Introduction and Brief History of the Keris
This small WEB is about keris. However, a discussion of the keris is a discussion of life in Javanese, Balinese, Madurenese, Sulawesi and other Indonesian Communities where the keris found and used. The keris occupies a special, important place in the community; it is not regarded merely as a weapon. In this part of the world, and particularly in Indonesia, there are many weapons which are considered to be sacred and endowed with supernatural powers, and therefore, must be respected; for examples, the Rencong of Aceh, Madau of Kalimantan, and Badik of South Sulawesi. A man feels safe when he has such weapons at his side.
These weapons were originally of the species referred to as stabbing weapons. Further development gave rise to variations in form and function, due to diverse factors such as geographical situation and environmental influences. The keris is one product of this evolution. It has achieved its present form and function after a sufficiently long era of development. This evolution has been in rhythm with the development of the culture as a whole, especially in Java.
To have a deeper understanding of the keris as it is regarded by the people, it is necessary, in this web, to describe briefly the parts briefly the parts of the keris it self, for it is a custom of the Indonesian and especially the Javanese communities to give a name to any and all products of handle work, however small the article maybe. Moreover, the keris in its use implicates a vast part of life. It seems to be a universal trait to link anything important closely with the way of life particularly the spiritual life: for example, as a conveyor of well-being, of happiness in life, and so forth.
In addition, the keris a result of the artistic expression of a community of the highest level, both as to shape or form as well as to components.
Therefore, there is a variety of kerises, in accordance with artistic development in each individual region. In this web the artistic elements of the keris will be enlarge upon separately.